Junior Cycle Geography - Exam Guide (H)
Exam Structure & Strategy
Level Higher
2 hours (120 minutes)
Section 1 – Folder (60 marks)All 20 short questions to be answered on the folder provided and returned with your answer-book.There is an either/or choice within 3 of the questions
Section 2 (90 marks)Answer 3 from 5 longer questions.
Each question carries 30 marks
Exam StrategyTiming: Allow 10 minutes to read the paper carefully at the start, pick up information and terms from the questions, and jot down any important items for use later in the exam. Allow 40 minutes for Section 1 (Folder question) and stick to this time plan.
For Section 2, where you are required to answer three out of five longer questions, allow 20 minutes for each question. Choose these questions carefully and move on to the next question when you have reached the time allowed – it is always easier to get the ‘attempt’ marks for the next question than the final ‘polishing’ marks for the previous one.
Leave 10 minutes at the end to review your paper and spot any significant errors or items left out. It is tempting to keep writing furiously up to the final bell, but a nervous mistake made earlier on the short questions or in map reading could cost you a grade, if not rectified.
Walk-through the paper (Question by question) – JC Geography (H)
Section 1 - Folder
These short questions can range over all sections of the course and will typically examine you on physical geography (including climate), on human geography (including problems of underdeveloped countries), and on the Ordnance Survey map.
When answering these Folder questions, ensure that you answer all 20 of them. If in doubt make your best guess – there are no marks lost for trying.
In the three questions out of the twenty where you are given an either/or choice, answer both parts. A lot of these questions are merely testing if you can read the information given to you in the various lists of statistics or pie-charts or bar-graphs given on the paper. Therefore, it is vital that you stay calm and read each question carefully. At the same time remember that you have to answer 20 questions in approximately 40 minutes, this means that you have just two minutes to answer each of these short questions.
You need a total of 60 marks to pass Junior Cert. Geography. Section 1 (the Folder Section) carries exactly 60 marks. A good performance on this section will see you well on your way to a good grade overall in this exam.
Section 2 – Longer Questions
These general questions will range over the sections on Social, Economic and Physical Geography and you can expect at least one question on Aerial Photographs and Maps.When attempting these questions, remember:
Choice of questions.
Read all questions carefully at the beginning, then decide which three of the five you are going to answer. It is important to read all of the sections of the question before deciding whether to answer it or not. A good illustration of this would be the question entitled “Geography Mix” that came up in 2001; this had four separate sub-sections which asked on (a) the location of industry, (b) migration, (c) Irish sea-fishing and (d) Urban Planning. In other words, if you picked this question just because you knew about the location of industry, then you might have been a bit surprised when you arrived at section (c) on sea-fishing. Every year you will find that there is a choice between questions on physical geography, on human geography and on maps and photographs.
Answering Style
The style of answering will vary a little from question to question. However, in general, it can be noted that each question covers a number of parts (usually three) and each of these parts usually carries the same amount of marks.The best way to answer each question is in point form or in short concise sentences which clearly try to answer the question asked. Make a statement and then develop that same statement. Example (a): if you are asked to give a reason why people migrate to large towns or cities, then you could say “Because of jobs” (this is your statement). Then you would develop this by saying “Dublin has lots of jobs in manufacturing” (one development point) “e.g. computers” (second development point). Example (b): if you were asked to “Explain why the Amazon is hotter than Northern Canada”, you could say “the Amazon is nearer the Equator” (this is your statement) and “the sun’s rays are at a higher angle” (one development point). Then you could follow that with “there is more concentration of heat than in Northern Canada” (the second development point). Remember – make a clear short statement, then develop it by giving examples or explaining the point in more detail.
Use of Diagrams
With the exception of the Aerial Photograph and the Ordnance Survey questions, the drawing of maps and diagrams is not especially important at Junior Cert. Level. Most of the questions come with diagrams already drawn. However, if it is necessary to draw a diagram, then do it quickly and in pencil. Pencil allows you to rub out your work if you are not happy with it. Use colouring pencils to finish it off, if you wish, but these are optional. You can always just shade in the different areas with your ordinary pencil. Remember, this is not an art-exam so you are not expected to spend ages trying to produce a masterpiece.
Ordnance Survey and Photograph Questions
Sometimes there are separate questions and sometimes there is an overlap where the map and photo questions are combined. You will often be asked to draw a sketch map of some features from the Ordnance Survey Map or the photo. N.B. A sketch map is not a tracing. If a tracing is given when asked for a sketch map, then you will lose at least half the marks available –sometimes more.
When drawing sketch maps:
Use a pencil – it is easier to rub out
Always draw a frame for your sketch map. The frame should be the same shape as the photograph or Ordnance Survey map you are sketching
Do not draw a sketch map that is more than half the size of the answer sheet you are using. It will take too long and be more difficult to do.
Give a title to your sketch map.
Give a key to it also, as this will avoid over-crowding on your sketch.
Put a little colour into your sketch if you feel you can spare the time. It is not essential to use colour.
You will often be asked to give examples of specific features on the Ordnance Survey Map. When referring to these features, make sure to give four-figure grid references if at all possible. Remember to include the sub-zone letter before the four figs (e.g. S1749).When referring to roads, give them their full title (e.g. R335 or N77).Remember, any statement that you make about the map or photo must be backed up by a clear reference to the same map or photograph.

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This website is designed for Geography lovers everywhere and in particular to those studying Geography. I hope you enjoy the site.
Geography (from Greek γεωγραφία - geografia) is the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. A literal translation would be "to describe or write about the Earth". The first person to use the word "geography" was Eratosthenes (276-194 B.C.). Four historical traditions in geographical research are the spatial analysis of natural and human phenomena (geography as a study of distribution), area studies (places and regions), study of man-land relationship, and research in earth sciences. Nonetheless, modern geography is an all-encompassing discipline that foremost seeks to understand the Earth and all of its human and natural complexities-- not merely where objects are, but how they have changed and come to be. As "the bridge between the human and physical sciences," geography is divided into two main branches - human geography and physical geography.
Geography (from Greek γεωγραφία - geografia) is the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. A literal translation would be "to describe or write about the Earth". The first person to use the word "geography" was Eratosthenes (276-194 B.C.). Four historical traditions in geographical research are the spatial analysis of natural and human phenomena (geography as a study of distribution), area studies (places and regions), study of man-land relationship, and research in earth sciences. Nonetheless, modern geography is an all-encompassing discipline that foremost seeks to understand the Earth and all of its human and natural complexities-- not merely where objects are, but how they have changed and come to be. As "the bridge between the human and physical sciences," geography is divided into two main branches - human geography and physical geography.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
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